Thursday, October 26, 2006

The worst murderer in history

Government is the worst murderer in history (and it still is). Red China killed millions of its own citizens. So did the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and Pol Pot's Cambodia, to mention a few. Previous US governments killed hundreds of thousands of native Americans. Saddam Hussein's Iraqi regime killed hundreds of thousands of Kurds. The Turkish republic slaughtered a million Armenians, and thousands of Kurds. The Mugabe regime of Zimbabwe has so far killed thousands of people. The Chilean government of Pinochet, and the Spanish government of Franco killed thousands of people.

It's not only history. The US government, and its allies, is killing Iraqis and Afghans today. Israel is killing Palestinians. The list of governments killing (not to mention other wrongdoings by different regimes) can go on and on, almost forever.

When I discussed this with a former colleague, he said something like "The state isn't killing people. Persons who belong to the state kill people". This is a common counter-argument against anarchism's claim that government kills. I've heard it many times, and I'm going to hear it many times.

I propose that you change the sentence above. Exclude the word "state" and insert the word "mafia" in its place. If you claim that the mafia isn't killing people, nobody takes you seriously. But somehow, you'll get taken seriously when you claim that states aren't killing.

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