Sunday, November 05, 2006

Don't vote! (I)

I don't vote. The short reason for why I don't vote is because voting means legitimating the state - giving it the sanction of the victim.

I have voted before. I've even been active in party politics. (I did, however, not vote in the two last elections of which I belonged to the electorate - the EU parliament election of 2004 and the Swedish riksdag ("parliament") election of 2006.) I have, however, realized that voting will not take me from "here" to "there", from a statist welfare-warfare state to an anarchist society.

There are simple reasons for this. One is that voting will be interpreted as demand for politics, for leaders, for someone or someones to tell us what to do, to take our money and control our lives. No matter if you vote for a "socialist", "liberal", "conservative", "nationalist", "green", or whatever there is, this will be seen as a recognition of the state. It will be seen as a recognition of the legitimacy of the statist order.* There's a point in this. After all, if you don't recognize the state as your rightful ruler - why participate in the voting act?

That's why I don't vote.

*Per Bylund is commenting on this on Lew

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